Divorce and separation
If you are facing a separation or divorce, we have all the family law help you need. The award-winning guides below explain everything you need to understand and do to separate or get divorced, agree child custody and residence issues, and agree a financial settlement (or financial divorce settlement).
Our advice will help you work out what to do and what to expect, reduce the stress on both of you, save you money, and help you get to a better place, sooner. We'll show you how to agree what you can agree, and (if neccessary) how to go to court to get a financial order divorce or a child arrangements/ residence order if you cannot. We'll also show you how to do it without a lawyer if you can't afford one, and how to make everything easier and ensure it is is fair by getting just a little free or low-cost family legal advice if you can.
If you are just starting to separate or think about divorce or arrangements about the children, have a look at resources at the top of the page. If you are a little bit further into the process, look a little further down.