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Citizens Advice
Get help with the cost of living

If you don’t have enough to live on, you might be able to get help from your local council or an interest-free loan from the government. If you're waiting for benefit payments to start, you might be able to get your benefit paid earlier.

Crisis loans and other financial help

Information on budgeting loans and what they can pay for.

Age UK
How to get help with urgent or one-off expenses

If you’re faced with a cost you’re unable to pay because you’re on a low income, or because you have no money at all for some reason, you may be able to get financial help to cover that cost. For example, you might be able to get an advance payment of a benefit you’re claiming, or support from your local council or a charity. The exact amount you receive will depend on your circumstances.

The Mix
I'm broke and need emergency support

If you've been struck by disaster or have run out of money and can't afford essentials like food or heating, there are emergency funds to help you. Information about emergency funds from your local council, money from the Government if you’re on benefits and food banks.

What is a hardship payment?

Explains what is a hardship payment, how to claim one and how to challenge a decision about a hardship payment.

Budgeting loans

Explains what they are, who is eligible, what you get and how to claim.

Rent in advance

Explains what rent in advance is and when you should pay it, ways to help you afford paying rent in advance, and how you can apply for help. (Content applies to England only).

Welsh Government
Discretionary assistance fund for Wales

Information about who can apply for an emergency grant from this fund and how to apply.

Age UK
Winter fuel payment

The winter fuel payment is an annual payment to help with heating costs, made to households with someone born on or before 25 September 1956. It is worth up to £300.

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