Research and policy
We research how people make sense of the law and barriers to accessing justice. We use this insight to influence change.
Our research Our impact Policy and influenceOur research and insight
Our innovative research into legal needs provides evidence led data into levels of legal capability. We work with academics and experts to evaluate our services, measure the effectiveness of legal support, and improve access to justice.

The difference we make
We challenge injustice and inequality by equipping individuals and communities to deal with life’s legal problems. Most of our services are open to all, but we prioritise groups who face more barriers to justice, including low income households, disabled people, migrants and young people.
Policy and influence
Our policy and influence work brings together insight from our partners and the people who use our services to press for change. We uncover unlawful and unfair practices and collaborate with others through strategic litigation, media work and policy reform. We amplify people’s voices so that their stories are heard.