Help for Roma families
We developed resources specifically for Roma parents because of the increase in the number of Roma children being taken into care by local authorities in England.

For Roma parents
We always work with Roma organisations, and our videos are in Romanes.
About our project
We worked collaboratively with a range of agencies, including Roma Support Group (London), Roma Community Care (Derby) and Clifton Learning Partnership (Rotherham), legal experts, academics, and professionals working in local authorities to develop free resources for Roma parents.
We have two guides for Roma parents and their supporters, a short film about child protection, a short film from the perspective of a Roma parent, and community training illustrating key elements of the legal framework and the skills needed to meet child protection requirements.
We are very proud of the impact these resources have been found to have. You can read more on this by going to the findings of the independent evaluation of this project
Can't find what you're looking for?
Getting free one-to-one advice about benefits is hard. All advice services are extremely busy. We are here to help everyone who cannot get in at an advice service and cannot afford to pay for legal help.
We give you the knowledge, confidence, and skills you need to deal with the issue yourself, or with the help of friends or family. If you need more help than you can get from our advice guides and self-help tools, we explain how to try to find advice.