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How to make a parental responsibility agreement - step by step 

Step 1 

Start by getting the correct form

Step 2 

The instructions about filling in the form are on the back - follow these carefully.

Step 3

Take the completed but unsigned form to your local family court or the Central Family Court during court office opening hours. Arrange to do this at a time when everyone making the agreement can also be there so you can sign it at the same time. You can find the contact details and opening times of all courts on Find the right court or tribunal.

Step 4

Make sure that you take the documents you need with you. These are listed in the notes on the back of the form. If you can’t find the child’s birth certificate, you will need to get a replacement. Order certificates online.

Step 5 

When the declaration and the Certificate of witness have been signed, make enough copies so that each parent can have their own copy. You don’t need to copy the notes on the back.

Step 6

Take or send the original parental responsibility agreement and the copies together with a copy of the child’s full birth certificate to: 

The Central Family Court 

First Avenue House 

42-49 High Holborn 

London WC1V 6NP 

The court will make a record of the parental responsibility agreement and keep the original form. They will stamp and send the copies back – one to each parent who has signed the agreement at the address given for them on the form. When you get your stamped copy, you will know that the parental responsibility agreement is now official. Keep it somewhere safe as you may need it in the future.

If the other parent or parents are not sure about making a parental responsibility agreement

You could suggest you try mediation. You may be able to see a mediator for free, through legal aid, or through the mediation voucher scheme.

If you do end up needing to apply to court, the judge will usually need to know what efforts you have made to reach agreement to avoid court.

There are different methods of reaching agreement out of court. Family lawyers often call these methods ‘non-court dispute resolution’. Mediation tends to be the cheapest method, thanks to legal aid and the mediation voucher scheme. We explain more about these in How to get parental responsibility

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