Representing myself in court
Representing yourself in court can be daunting. You might worry about what to say, how to act, and how to deal with the other side.
But cuts and changes to legal aid mean that more people than ever cannot afford a lawyer, and have to represent themselves in court.
We will tell you what you need to know and do to get the best result you can without a lawyer.

I have to represent myself
Going to court when the other side have a lawyer and you don't
Prepare for court without a lawyer, and understand the skills you need to get through the process and make your case as well as you can.
Small claims and fast-track claims in the county court
Ste-by-step help to take or defend a case about debt, broken contracts, or personal injury
Representing yourself in the family court
This short film shows you simple tips that will help you put your side as well as you can.
Going to the family court
Step-by-step help if you are facing court or representing yourself
Employment tribunals
Step-by-step help if you are representing yourelf at an employment tribunal
Benefits tribunals
What to expect and how to prepare if you are going to a tribunal about your benefits