Information about private, shared, local authority, housing association, and sheltered housing. Also covers hostels and accommodation agencies.
Explains the different types of rented housing available in England and Wales. Includes information about private landlords, social landlords, local councils and housing associations.
Where to look for a place to rent. Tips on following up a lead. What to check for when you look round a place.
Whether you need emergency housing or want to buy your own place, it’s important to find somewhere that suits your needs. You also need to understand the rights each option would give you.
Housing associations offer similar types of housing as local councils – often to people on a low income or who need extra support. Find out how to apply for a housing association home.
Get help finding somewhere to live if you’re 16 or 17 and have nowhere to stay. (Content applies to England only.)
Frequently asked questions about accommodation for students in Wales. Includes finding somewhere to live, tenancy deposits and where else to get help. (Content applies to Wales only.)
Information about when the council must help you with emergency housing if you're homeless and don't have anywhere to stay.(Content applies to England only.)
Information for older people on options to consider if your home is no longer as suitable as it once was. Includes staying put and adapting or moving. Uses a tool to get you the most relevant information.
This guide is an introduction to the different types of accommodation and support services available for older people in England.
Information about the help available to people leaving the Armed Forces soon, people who used to serve in the Armed Forces (veterans) and their families in connection with their housing needs.
If you are a council or housing association tenant, you may be able to apply for a tenancy transfer in your local council area or through your housing association. If you want to move to another area, you may be able to exchange your tenancy with another council or housing association tenant anywhere in the UK. Includes links to further information on your rights as a tenant and how to complain.
Explains the rights a person has if they are privately renting their home from a private landlord.
Includes links to information for older people on care homes, getting the council to help adapt your home, taking a break from caring, and help in your own home. Also includes links to information other housing options and more information on care.
Straightforward information about the buying and selling process of a shared ownership property, including how to get a mortgage, problems getting a mortgage, and selling a property. (Content applies to England only.)