Small claims and the civil court
How to sue someone
Step-by-step help to take broken contracts, consumer problems, unpaid debts, or personal injury (including road traffic accidents) claims to the civil court. You might take someone to the small claims court, or use the fast-track process in a county court. These advice guides will also help if you are being taken to court by someone else because of one of these issues.

I think I want to take someone to court
Should I sue someone
Ten key questions to help you decide whether you should take someone to court or not.
Sort out your legal problem before or instead of going to court
Discover how to complain, negotiate, use mediation or arbitration services, or an Ombudsman.
Civil mediation
How to use mediation to deal with a problem with a product or service, breach of contract, or unpaid debts. Including discrimination and compensation for injury.
Preparing to take someone to court
Who to sue
How to identify and find the right defendant to take to court. This may seem simple, but is easy to get wrong and can have very serious consequences for your case.
Find out if the defendant is worth suing
What you can do to check that the person you will take to court will be able to pay you if you win. Vital reading before you go to all the bother and expense of starting a case.
Time limits for suing someone
Explains the limitation periods for starting a claim in the small claims court or fast track.
Evidence needed to sue someone
Understand what evidence you will need if you are taking someone to court, why you need it, and what you need to do with it.
Legal costs and who pays them
Everything you need to know about the fees solicitors charge for their work and who pays them at the end of the case. As well as how to keep your legal costs to a minimum.
Things you need to know about court procedure before you sue
Help to understand if there is a pre-action protocol for your type of case. These are processes you must follow, even if you do not have a lawyer.
How to take a claim in the civil court - at a glance
This tabler provides a quick way of checking your understanding and what you need to do and what to expect for small claims and fast track claims.
I want to start a small claim or fast track claim
Start a small claim or fast track claim
Explains who can use the new online court services, how you start a claim using the N1 form, and what information to put where.
After you start a small claim or fast track claim
Understand court procedures, what to do with the 'pre-trial checklist', how to prepare a 'chronology', what to do if one of you doesn't obey the court's instructions.
Make a small claim about injuries caused in a car accident
Understand court procedures, what to do with the 'pre-trial checklist', how to prepare a 'chronology', what to do if one of you doesn't obey the court's instructions.
Help with court fees in a civil case
If you are on a low income, check if you are eligible for a discount or not have to pay a fee at all.
An overview of the process of taking someone to civil court
This gives you an overall picture of what is involved in a typical county court case, either for a small claim that is not using the online money claim service or a fast track claim.
Help during the case
Witness statements and expert reports
Everything you need to know about witness statements and expert reports in a small claim or fast-track claim – when you need one, what you should put in it and how you should lay it out.
How to settle the case
How to make an offer to settle and what to do if the 'other side' suggests a settlement. If you don't accept a reasonable offer it can cost you.
Interim applications
Understand how to ask a civil court to do something before the trial, for example if you need to change some of the details of your case, or ask the court to change the timetable.
Hearings in a small claim or fast track case
Understand what happens at the different hearings in your case, what you have to do in them, and how to prepare.
How to prepare a trial bundle and index
How to prepare a trial bundle and index for a fast track case. You will not need one in a small claim.
The process
Help to understand the process so you can keep track of where you are and what will happen next. Most helpful for small claims not using the online money claim service or fast track claims.
Going to court when the other side has a lawyer and you don't
Understand how going to court works and what to expect, and practical tips on how to prepare for court and make your case as well as you can.
After the judgement
How to appeal a decision
What to do if you need to appeal a decision made by a judge in a small claim or fast-track claim.
How to enforce a county court judgement
Help if you have a you have a county court judgment saying someone owes you money. Work out if it is worth enforcing, and how to go about enforcing it.
Thanks to everyone who helped us make this lovely content and particularly to the Ministry of Justice and Bar Standards Board who funded it.